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Grit Camp Week 3 - week of June 12th, 2023

We had an awesome 3rd week of Grit Camp the week of June 12th and hosted 50 campers along with our counselor staff of 18 high school and college age counselors. We had 9 of those campers that attended on scholarship. Our movie theme for the week was the PG rated version of 'Life of Pi' and had a chance to hear from Dana Gordon - a former golfer on the lady's University of Florida team and current PR rep that attends major sporting events like the Olympics, Super Bowl, NFL draft, and more. She also has an episode coming up on the Podcast!

Grit University also had a successful week when Christian was able to secure a $1,000 donation from a local business owner which takes the summer total to right at $25,000 raised. Christian also further developed his video making skills by making our Grit Camp video for the week (see the video below which requires compiling over 125 videos each week to encapsulate a 2-3 minute recap). Colby was gone on a 10 day trip to Greece with family and Kevin stepped up and helped quarterback not only at Grit U but also at camp.

Be sure to check out our video re-cap from this past week of camp, and stay tuned for more updates from Grit Camp!

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